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Scrap Metal Sites and Collectors

The Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 replaced the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 1964 and the Motor Salvage Operators Regulation 2002 from 1st October 2013.

Every scrap metal dealer must have a licence issued by us as operating without one will be a criminal offence.

There are two types of licences:

Site Licence - This is where the scrap metal business is operated from one or more sites in the local authority area. The licence allows the licensee to buy and sell scrap metal and to transport scrap metal to and from those sites from any local authority area.

Collector's Licence - This is where the scrap metal operator collects scrap metal in the local authority area. A separate licence must be obtained from each council the collector wishes to operate in.

A scrap metal dealer is only permitted to hold one type of licence in any one local authority area.

When operating as a scrap metal dealer:

  • You must not receive scrap metal from a person without verifying their name and address
  • You must not buy scrap metal for cash.
  • A site licence must be displayed in a prominent place, accessible to the public, at each site identified in the licence.
  • A mobile collector’s licence must be displayed on any vehicle that is being used in the course of the business and can be easily read by a person outside the vehicle.
  • You must keep a record of all scrap metal you receive including:
    • A description including type, form, condition, weight, any marks identifying previous owners or distinguishing features
    • The date and time
    • The registration mark of the vehicle it was delivered in or on
    • The full name and address of the person received from
    • The full name of the person who makes the payment acting for the dealer
  • You must keep a record of all scrap metal you dispose of including:
    • A description including type, form and weight (site licence holders only)
    • The date and time
    • The full name and address of the person disposed to
    • If payment is made (by sale or exchange), the price of other consideration received (site licence holders only)
  • You must keep your records for 3 years and allow the council or police to inspect your premises and records if asked.

Under the Act we must not issue a licence unless we are satisfied that the applicant is a suitable person to carry on business as a scrap metal dealer. In the case of a partnership this means assessing the suitability of each of the partners in the partnership, while in the case of a company it means assessing the suitability of any directors, company secretaries or shadow directors.

The application process requires an applicant to provide a Criminal Convictions Certificate (Basic Disclosure), which can be obtained from the Disclosure and Barring Service. Applications for basic disclosures can be made online via the GOV.UK website here: Request a basic DBS check

Apply by post

Your application form, supporting documents and fee should be sent to:

Licensing (Redditch Borough Council), Wyre Forest House, Finepoint Way, Kidderminster, DY11 7WF

The application form and guidance can be downloaded here:

Scrap Metal Site/Collector application form and guidance 

The fees payable for licences can be found on our licensing fees and charges page.

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