Minor Variations - club premises
If a club wants to make small alterations to their club premises certificate that will not impact adversely on the licensing objectives, they can apply for a "minor variation" of their certificate.
When we receive an application for a minor variation, we must consider whether the changes being proposed could impact adversely on the licensing objectives.
When considering an application, we have to consult with other relevant authorities if there is any doubt about the impact the proposed changes will have on the licensing objectives and we think we need specialist advice. We will then take the views of these authorities into account in reaching our decision.
Further guidance on minor variations can be downloaded here:
Guidance notes on minor variations
More information on variations to club premises certificate can be found on the GOV.UK website
To help make your application process run more smoothly, Worcestershire Regulatory Services now offers a pre-application assistance service. More information regarding this can be found here.
Apply by post
Send your application along with the existing club premises certificate, any other relevant documents and the fee of £89 to:
Licensing (Redditch Borough Council), Wyre Forest House, Finepoint Way, Kidderminster, DY11 7WF
You can download the application form here:
Application for a minor variation to a club premises certificate
You must advertise the application by displaying a public notice at the relevant premises for a period of 10 working days starting on the working day after the minor variation application was given to us. The public notice must be on white paper of at least A4 size.
A template for the public notice can be downloaded here:
Will tacit consent apply?
Yes. If after the 10 working day consultation period has expired and no representations have been made by a responsible authority or other persons, then we will approve the minor variation. If any representations have been received, we have a further five working days to consider them and will decide whether to approve or reject the application. If the minor variation is approved, we will issue a notice outlining the minor variation to the club premises certificate. We will also issue a new certificate to reflect the minor variation.
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