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October Tips

The nights are drawing in and the temperature are beginning to drop. Those pumpkins you planted earlier in the year should be ready to be harvested – perfect for spooky Jack-o’-lanterns and hearty soups along with the squashes and other root veg.

Now is a good time to check the condition of your winter essentials, such as fleeces and cloches. Before the ground becomes too hard, it is a good idea to finish turning over the beds, getting rid of the last of the weeds, and adding in a high-quality compost.

October is also a good month to give the greenhouse and shed a good clean and pack away any items you no longer need securely and appropriately to protect them during the Winter.

October Planting

Autumn is her and it’s time to sow over-wintering veg and Autumn harvesters:

  • Onions,
  • Garlic,
  • Peas,
  • Black radish,
  • Hardy basil,
  • Brad beans,
  • Cauliflower,
  • Over-wintering greens and brassicas.
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