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Walking Touch Rugby

Walking Touch Rugby is back

Play for Free

Thanks to Worcester Warriors for providing a coach and to Rubicon Leisure for providing a facility, the session is FREE for the user

Walking Touch Rugby

This is a much gentler version of the game of rugby, but it is just as much fun.

You can find more about Walking Rugby here

To take part in this session, please just turn up a few minutes early to complete paperwork and away we go

Players don't tackle each other but instead touch their opponents.

It is a great way for people to remain active and keep in contact with a sport that they love, its a great workout as well as being a good way to meet new people who share your love of the game.

Walking touch rugby

  To find out more about the session please call either Hayley on 01527 881404 or The Abbey Stadium on 01527 60206

or email -

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