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Strong and Steady Exercise Classes

Referrals are no longer being taken for the Strong and Steady Programme

As a result of Worcestershire County Council's new Healthy Worcestershire Programme, the currently Strong and Steady programme will come to an end on 31st March 2024.  Strength and Balance opportunities are expected to be part of the new Healthy Worcestershire Programme, details of which will become available through the successful provider.

Worcestershire County Council will be putting the Healthy Worcestershire Programme delivery to tender, with the successful applicant being in place from 1st April 2024.  Please note, there will be a "mobilisation period" for the new provider and as such, the replacement programme may not be in place immediately.

The good news is that here in Redditch there are many community exercise classes to chose from in our "ACTIVE SENIORS" in the top right hand searchbar on this page and a full list of these sessions will appear.

All of these instructor in our ACTIVE SENIORS classes are qualified to lead the Strong and Steady programme too.

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