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View and comment on planning applications

You can view and comment on planning applications using our Public Access system.  Here is the link to Public Access.

Public Access contains text details including Decision Notices and Section 106 Agreements from July 1978 to the present day, and documents from 2008 onwards.


Using Public Access

To search on Public Access you will need a keyword, reference number, or single line of an address. You can also search by postcode, but not all submitted applications have a listed postcode.

Here is a detailed guide to using Public Access

When you are ready, here is the link to Public Access to view and comment on applications.

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Commenting on applications

Comments need to be submitted in writing/email in order to be taken into consideration as part of the planning application process.

You can comment on planning applications using our Public Access system. Here is guidance for registering your details on Public Access.

Please note that the system is time sensitive and your session will automatically expire after 30 minutes. You are advised to draft your comments separately where possible, and then use the copy/paste facility to place the text into the comment box.

Comments submitted will be sent directly to the Case Officer dealing with the application, and taken into consideration as part of the application process. Comments must be made in relation to planning issues only.  Any personal references and/or comments that could be viewed as defamatory, offensive or prejudicial will not be published, kept on record or taken into account and could result in action being taken against you. The Council disclaims responsibility for content posted directly onto its website via Public Access and reserves the right to remove any content considered to be inappropriate. Here is an example list of matters that can and cannot be taken into consideration.

Any comments made, including personal details submitted, can be seen by Councillors, the applicant and members of the public, and will be published on Public Access as part of the planning application.  Your comments cannot be kept as confidential. We will endeavour not to publish signatures and telephone numbers. All comments received will form part of a public document which will be available for public inspection, therefore do not supply details you do not want published. Comments submitted on Public Access in relation to an application arising from a planning enforcement investigation will still be publicly viewable, including the personal details submitted.

Other ways to comment

Alternatively you can submit your comments to us by writing or email. Please include the reference number at the head of any letter or email.

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Scheduled periods of system downtime

Public Access requires routine periods of system maintenance to keep working. During maintenance, the system will be temporarily unavailable. We aim to publish periods of maintenance on this page. Thank you for your patience.

Please note: Microsoft Edge is the default browser recommended. Internet Explorer is not recommended for use with Public Access.

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Report a problem with Public Access

Please note Public Access will become temporarily unresponsive from time to time, typically in the late evening. This happens when the servers containing the information are being backed up. If you experience a period of unresponsiveness on the system, please wait a short time before trying again. If the problem persists, please report it to us.

You can report any issues you have via the 'feedback' function at the bottom of this web page. Please state which browser is being used if you can, so that the matter can be investigated.

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Planning history

Complete planning history details are not available online. However, you can request them. Here are contact details for planning history requests.

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Planning Committee

You can view planning matters determined at Planning Committee on the Meetings, Agendas and Minutes page. This lists the Planning Committee agendas and respective Minutes in date order.

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Contact us

Here are contact details for planning (Development Management).

For matters of planning policy, please see our Planning Policy pages.

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Privacy Notice

We collect, hold and process information supplied by you in accordance with the Data Protection Act, to allow us to provide services effectively.

The Privacy Notice for Development Management relating to the submission of applications is available here.

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