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I am a council tenant

This service applies only to Redditch Borough Council Tenants, Residents and the users of our Homelessness and Housing Services

If you are none of these then please use this link to the Corporate Complaints Policy:  Compliments and Complaints -

The Homelessness & Housing Services at Redditch Borough Council wants to ensure our residents and service users are satisfied with the services they receive from us.

We therefore welcome and actively encourage residents, service users and their representatives, elected members, to engage with us when things go wrong, you have a suggestion about ways we could improve, or are satisfied with the services you have received.

We believe that dealing effectively and transparently with all such feedback is essential to providing good services, by continuously learning, and improving what and how we do things.

What is a complaint?

You may want to tell us that you are dissatisfied about something, such as the standard of service you have received, actions, or lack of action, by the Housing Service, its staff, or those acting on its behalf (such as a partner or contractor), which has affected you, or a group, and that requires us to respond.

A complaint could be about things like:

  • We've significantly delayed or failed to deliver a service to you.
  • Delivering a poor quality, or substandard level of service to you.
  • We have made a mistake.
  • We haven't listened to you properly.
  • We haven't followed our processes or policies.
  • We have not met our legal or regulatory obligations.
  • We have not delivered a commitment or promise to you.
  • Our staff have been rude, inappropriate, or unprofessional towards you.

What is a Request for Service

In this case, you will be unhappy with a situation that you want to have put right. For example, you may be unhappy with:

  • A decision made about your housing application
  • A situation with your bin stores and rubbish
  • A situation with your neighbours, or in your neighbourhood.
  • You've been sent a letter about your rent arrears
  • The condition of your property, such as cold, condensation, damp, and mould.

You can take steps to manage condensation, which causes black mould to appear.

Please follow the link for more advice: Managing condensation

To request a service, please contact us using links below

At this stage, these are not formal complaints, you are asking us to do something about a situation and / or deliver a service to you. Only if we have not done as we have described in the section “what is a complaint” does it become an acceptable complaint.

To request a service please contact us using contact detail links below

To booking a repair: Please click here

For Homelessness & Housing Solutions: or 01527 534069

For Neighbourhoods & Tenancies: or 01527 587000 (Option 2)

For your Rent Team: or 01527 587000 (Option 1)

Can someone represent me?

They certainly can. Your Elected members (Local Councillor or MP) are your representatives, and we welcome their engagement. We will not need your permission to talk to your elected representative about you and your complaint or situation, but we will need your permission to talk to anyone else who is trying to represent you, such as someone from the CAB, or a friend or relative, for example. This is to safeguard you and protect your personal information. There is a section on the form where you can give someone else permission to act on your behalf, without it, we will not talk to them.

How to complain or compliment

This service applies only to Redditch Borough Council Tenants, Residents and the users of our Homelessness and Housing Services

If expressing a complaint or compliment in person or over the phone, tell the officer that you are complaining, what it is about and ask the officer to submit the compliant on your behalf. If you need assistance to access these services then please ask.

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman

Your Ombudsman

Homelessness and Housing Services are regulated by two Ombudsman’s.

The Homelessness & Housing Solutions Service is regulated by the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman (LGO) The LGO decides whether it will investigate your complaint about the Councils Homelessness & Housing Solutions Service, however they normally expect you to have exhausted our internal complaints process first. The link to their website for more information and to complain can be found here

Their Assessment Code can be found here.

Housing Ombudsman Service

Housing Ombudsman Service

The Housing Service, which delivers social housing, is regulated by the Housing Ombudsman Service (HOS). You have a right to access the Housing Ombudsman Service throughout your complaint, not only when the landlord’s complaints process is exhausted. However, it is recommended that you read the Housing Services Complaints and Enquiries Standard 2022 to understand when these times are in relation to the complaints process.

The link to key documents can be found below and the link to the HOS for more information and to complain can be found here

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