Redditch Homes
Redditch Homes is the system used to advertise and allocate social homes in Redditch Borough. It’s how we manage our local housing register in Redditch, and how you manage your application, including submitting documents and evidence, and bidding on advertised properties.
Here's a guide to Redditch Homes and how it works.
Who is eligible
You must have valid immigration status, and you must usually be over 18 and have a local connection to Redditch Borough, to be eligible to join the housing register on Redditch Homes.
You may be exempt from the requirement to have a local connection if you:
- Are member of the armed forces
- Are a care leaver
- Have fled domestic abuse
- Have ‘Reasonable Preference’ for housing as set out in law.
A local connection is one or more of the following:
- Lived in the borough for a minimum of 2 years or for 3 out of the last 5 years
- In permanent paid employment or have a certified offer of employment in the borough
- Have a close family member who has lived in the borough for a minimum of 3 years.
Otherwise, unless very special circumstances apply you will be unable to join the housing register on Redditch Homes, except to apply specifically for older persons’ accommodation or shared ownership.