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Council Tax Support

The way we assess your claim is different depending on whether you are working age or have reached pension age.

Our banded scheme only applies to how we calculate support for working age residents.

The way we assess Council Tax Support for pension age residents will remain the same as it was before our banded scheme.

How to apply

Please choose a category below to find out more and make an application

Working age claimants


 If you are working age, in receipt of benefits and/or are on a low income from employment or self employment, you may be entitled to Council Tax Support.

 Council Tax Support for working age residents is assessed using an income banded scheme so your level of discount is based on your net weekly income and your household circumstances

Pension age claimants 


 If you are of pensionable age, eligible for Pension Credit or on a low income you may be eligible to claim Council Tax Support.

 You can claim for Council Tax Support if you own your own home or if you rent

 Council Tax Support can be awarded in addition to other Council Tax discounts e.g. Single Persons discount. 

 There are many households who are entitled to Pension Credit who haven’t yet claimed. Please click this link to GOV.UK to check your eligibility and apply for Pension Credit.

Make an appeal

If you disagree with a Council Tax Support decision our policy document below details the procedure by which a person may make an appeal against certain decisions of the authority

Policy documents

For details about this scheme, please refer to our Council Tax Support scheme document

Benefit Contact Details

01527 534050

We have introduced a call back facility for when we are experiencing a high volume of calls.

This will mean that instead of waiting in a queue to speak to someone after a period of waiting you will be able to leave your name and number and we will get back to you by the end of the next working day.

Benefits Opening hours

Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm

Friday 10am to 5pm

Bank Holidays Closed

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