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Special needs adaptations - I am a council tenant

If you need to make changes to your home to help you continue to live independently, we can help.

You will need to speak to an occupational therapist first.

Occupational therapists will work with you to identify and help with any areas of difficulty in your daily living, such as washing, dressing, cooking and getting on and off your bed, toilet and chair. Your occupational therapist will make recommendations on what adaptations you may need, which we will usually follow.

Examples of adaptations

  • Widening doors and installing ramps
  • Replacing a bath with a level access shower;
  • Fitting lower work surfaces to make the kitchen easier to use.

Please be aware that for practical reasons the recommended adaptations cannot always be carried out in your home. If this is the case you may be better off moving into a more suitable home, such as an easy-to-manage self-contained flat or a supported housing scheme with Home Support.

Occupational Therapy

Find out more about occupational therapy from the NHS here

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