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Safer Streets Woodrow

Safer Streets Woodrow

Thanks to everyone in Rushock Close, Ombersley Close and Woodrow Centre who worked with us on Safer Streets Woodrow!

Contact us

Please contact us if you experience any problems with any of the security upgrades installed as part of the project.

  • Improved security to doors and windows
  • Gate locks
  • More secure fences
  • Improved lighting


The Home Office gave us, through the West Mercia Police & Crime Commissioner, £430,000 of ‘Safer Streets’ funding to increase the security of homes in this area of Woodrow. We worked with West Mercia Police to ensure as many residents benefit from the funding as possible.

Don’t get scammed

Always check the identity of anyone who calls at your home or wants your details. If you are unsure, ask for their company’s verifiable head office number and confirm their identity yourself before opening the door. Everyone in the Safer Streets team carries official ID and will be very happy to wait while you confirm their identity with us or the police.

...and give cold callers the cold shoulder

Did you know our Nominated Neighbour scheme enables callers and visitors to be directed to a nominated, trusted neighbour to confirm their identity? Here's more information about the Nominated Neighbour scheme from the North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership.

Nominated Neighbour Scheme Operates Here

Neighbourhood matters

Neighbourhood Matters is a free messaging service from your local policing team. Through it you can choose to receive other updates, such as on crimes, ongoing incidents, and things going on in your community.

To choose the alerts you wish to receive and how you wish to receive them, visit

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