Partnership Community Hero Awards

Safer Redditch has been co-ordinating a Community Hero Award as part of Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness Week.
The Ceremony took place on Thursday 11th July. The ceremony presented awards in four different categories that reflect community activity in addressing Anti-Social Behaviour, those who received awards were nominated by members of the public.
The winners in each category of the award are:
Youth Award – The award recognise a project or piece of work that has supported the reduction of anti-social behaviour within a local community and has resulted in people feeling safer. Winner for this Category was, Jade Parker and Delroy Thompson for the work they have done one to one with young people that has diverted them away from criminality.
Communities Award – This award was open to any adult or group within a community that has undertaken a project or piece of work to support the reduction of anti-social behaviour in their area and has resulted in people feeling safer.
The winner for this category was Your Ideas for all the hard work they have put in to building a youth and community hub in Woodrow to create a true community hub.
Highly Commended for their work in the community was:
- Batchley Support Group for the work they do supporting victims of crime.
- Wallop Boxing Club for the diversionary sessions they hold that diverts members of the public away from being involved in criminality.
- Reach CIC for the work they do supporting victims of crime.
Business Award – This was open to any business operating in the Borough that has undertaken a project or piece of work to support the reduction of anti-social behaviour within their community and has resulted in people feeling safer.
Winners for this award was Kingfisher Security Staff, for all the work the team has done to reduce incidents of crime in the town centre.
Extra Mile Award – This was given to recognise an extraordinary individual / group / business or community leader who actions have gone above and beyond to reduce anti-social behaviour within their community, resulting in increased feeling of safety for residents and/or visitors.
The Winner for this category was Pete Martin recognising all the work he has done locally around knife crime and supporting those who have been affected by this.
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