Abandoned Trolley
How to report an abandoned trolley to us or using the Trolleywise reporting tool. Find out more here.
Abandoned Vehicles
How to check if a vehicle meets the criteria for an abandoned vehicle and how to report it to us.
Boilers Heating and Hot Water
If you're a council tenant here are common boiler problems, repairs, and info on your annual gas safety checks to protect you and your family.
Dangerous buildings
If you believe a building or structure has become dangerous please report it to us as soon as possible.
Dead Animals
We will remove dead animals on the road, pavement or public open spaces. Report a dead animal here.
Dog fouling
Tell us if you have seen dog fouling on public land and we will get it cleared up.
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse takes many forms including physical violence. We're here to support you, challenge perpetrators and educate the public.
Drug Litter and Waste
We will remove and dispose of discarded needles and syringes and other drug related items in a public place.
Empty homes
Empty homes can attract vandalism and anti-social behaviour, and are a wasted resource, so we try to bring them back into use.
Existing Garden Waste Customers
Existing customers of the service can report any issues to us here, find out their bin day, and more
Fly posting
If you have seen some fly posting you can report it here.
Fly tipping
Dumping unwanted items is against the law and harms our communities. Here's how to report fly tipping or any info, and advice how to dispose of your own waste properly.
Information on reporting fraud - including Housing Benefit fraud and Council Tax Support fraud
If you have seen some graffiti on council property you can report it here.
Grass Hedge and Weed Maintenance
Find out what we do to maintain the grass, hedge and weeds in your area and report any issues to us.
Tree and High Hedge Maintenance
Find out how we manage our trees and high hedges, how you can maintain your own
Highways - Report an issue
Contact Highways - Report an issue
If you smell gas
Don't delay - here's what to do if you can smell gas.
Litter and street cleaning
We all want a clean and safe district. If there is a problem with litter or spillages somewhere, please tell us as soon as you can.
Litter and Dog Bins
If you have noticed a bin that is full, needs repairing or replacing let us know.
Missed bin
If your bin has not been emptied, or you've had a problem with your bin collection, you can report it to us here.
Pavement Sweeping
If you have noticed a pavement that needs sweeping, let us know.
Planning Enforcement
For development without the required planning permission, or is not in accordance with the approved details, a breach of planning may have occurred and we may proceed to take formal enforcement action.
Repairs and Maintenance
We can help with a range of repairs, managing damp and mould or maintenance issues, including when your landlord isn't being reasonable
Report an environmental incident - GOV.UK
A list of environmental incidents that need to be reported directly using the Environment Agency hotline on 0800 80 70 60 is available here at GOV.UK.
Report hate crime or hate incident
Here are ways you can report hate crime or hate incident.
Report an issue with a street light
Worcestershire County Council are responsible for maintaining street lights. Report a street lighting issue here.
Road sweeping
If you have noticed a road that needs sweeping, let us know.
Street Cleaning
From tackling litter and dog mess to abandoned cars and community action, we're working together for a cleaner, safer Redditch
Street Name Plates
If you've seen a Street Name Plates that is damaged or missing, let us know.
Report a change to Council Tax if you are a landlord
If you are a landlord and something has changed, please tell our Council Tax team as soon as possible
Tell Council Tax about a bereavement
You can tell us about a bereavement using our online form. If you would prefer to talk to someone in person please call us
Tenancy Fraud report it
Tenancy Fraud report it here
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