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Top Tips To Tackle Condensation

As Winter draws in Redditch residents are being reminded to take some simple steps to stop mould and damp spreading in their homes.

Colder weather sees central heating turned up and fires lit but without proper ventilation the condensation can cause damp and mould problems.

Redditch Borough Council’s Repairs and Maintenance Team, which looks after the authority’s housing stock, has produced a webpage of information about tackling damp and mould which includes a film from Act On Energy.

The webpage shows that condensation occurs from a combination of three things: moisture, from everyday activities like cooking and washing, coupled with insufficient heating and ventilation.

It can be tackled by ventilation, dryness and warmth.

The Council’s Portfolio-holder for Housing, Cllr Craig Warhurst said: “There are actions that our tenants – and all residents – can take from putting the heating on lower for longer, shutting bathroom doors after showers and wiping condensation from windows.

“We also urge people to get regular maintenance checks of heating systems and boilers which, if not running efficiently could result in higher energy bills for not much warmth.

“Please take time to look at the webpage and our social media posts over the next few weeks to help stop damp and mould in your home.”

For more information click on  #stopmouldanddamp

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