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Thoughts sought on famous Redditch Mosaics

Redditch residents can have their say on how to celebrate the colourful mosaics which have adorned the Borough’s main shopping centre for nearly 40 years.

Shoppers, who look up as they pass by the Range, Next, or Coffee #1 in the Milward Square section of the Kingfisher Centre will spot the Eduardo Paolozzi mosaics.

April 2023 marks 40 years since the installation of these works of art and a survey has been launched by Redditch Borough Council and Arts In Redditch (AIR) to gather people’s thoughts, views, and opinions about them.

As well as asking if people are aware of the mosaics and their relevance today, the survey wants people to put forward ideas about an event to mark the 40-year anniversary.

The work is being carried out by Niall Gallen a doctoral candidate and researcher at the University of Birmingham, who is undertaking a placement funded by the Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

Leisure Portfolio Holder, Cllr Jo Beecham said: “We are so lucky to have these mosaics which represent one of the largest commissions for public art in the 20th century and reflect our industry base with needles.

“We should celebrate them, and we want our residents to play their part in how this should happen.

“It’s also a great opportunity to find out more about these wonderful creations and to encourage residents if they haven’t already, to take a break from shopping, look up and enjoy this splendour.”

You can get involved by completing the survey here.

There will also be the opportunity to engage at Council run events across the Borough over the next few weeks.

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