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Rounders Family Fun at Stitch Meadow

Visitors to Arrow Valley Country Park can enjoy outdoor fun with the much-anticipated return of summer rounders sessions at Stitch Meadow.

To kick off the season, Redditch Borough Council’s Sports Development team have organised a family fun session on Saturday 12th August from 10am (registration will open at 9.30am).

This family-friendly session promises fun, laughter and friendly competition for children, families, and friends of all ages.

All equipment will be provided, so participants only need to bring their enthusiasm and a picnic to enjoy during breaks. Local volunteers will be present to referee the games, ensuring fair play and a positive atmosphere.

The session is open to everyone, whether you're an experienced rounders player or trying it for the first time. With teams consisting of 9 players, participants can form their own teams or choose to be placed with other teams by volunteers on the day, ensuring everyone gets a chance to play.

Leisure Portfolio Holder, Cllr Joanne Beecham, said: “This rounders session provides a wonderful opportunity for families and friends to bond, enjoy some friendly competition, and create lasting memories, as well as getting out of the house and getting active. We believe in the power of community engagement and the positive impact of outdoor activities on the physical and mental health of all of our residents, no matter their age."

Leader of the Council, Cllr Matt Dormer, said: "We want to unlock and foster a sense of togetherness within our community, and what better way to do that than through a day of outdoor fun and games during the school holidays.”

For more information about the session please contact Hayley Gwilliam on 01527 881404 or via email

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