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Residents across the County are being encouraged to take part in an air quality survey being conducted by Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS).

Residents across the County are being encouraged to take part in an air quality survey being conducted by Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS).

The survey, which is being delivered in partnership with Worcestershire County Council’s Public Health Team, aims to gather valuable insights from the community to further enhance air quality monitoring and management efforts.

This comes in conjunction with a recent installation of 26 real-time air quality monitors located across the county as part of a three-year DEFRA-funded project to improve air quality in Worcestershire.

The survey will help WRS identify hotspots and ensure that their air quality initiatives align with the needs and priorities of the community, including health.

Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services, Simon Wilkes, said: “Understanding what drives the behaviour of the residents and visitors is absolutely vital for us to help inform our efforts to create a healthier living environment for everyone in Worcestershire. Please do take the time to complete this survey and share your views.”

Residents can share their views through the survey by clicking here or by visiting

Redditch Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Community and Regulatory Services, Cllr Lucy Harrison, said: “Ensuring our air quality stays good doesn’t happen by accident, it takes community leadership and a big part of that is understanding what people are thinking and what their priorities are. This is a big chance to make sure your views are heard in the work on air quality in Redditch and countywide.”

The Leader of the Council, Cllr Matt Dormer, said: “Air quality must never be taken for granted. It’s an issue with the potential to affect us all and I hope people in Redditch will add their voices to the conversation.”

This survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and closes at 11pm on Sunday 12th May.

The survey will cover various aspects of air quality, including perceptions, concerns, and suggestions for improvement. By actively participating, residents can contribute to shaping future air quality policies and initiatives tailored to meet the needs of the community.

For more information about the survey or the DEFRA project, please contact WRS Enquiries.


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