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Redditch ringfenced for £5 million investment in culture

The leader of the council, Councillor Matt Dormer, has received a letter (6 March) from Jacob Young MP, the Minister for Levelling Up, to announce that Redditch Borough Council has been provisionally awarded up to £5 million of capital funding as part of the Spring Budget, to support local culture projects in the area.

This provisional funding recognises the crucial role culture can play in levelling up and supporting pride in place. Redditch has already benefited from a £15m investment from the Towns Deal fund for projects like the digital, manufacturing and Innovation centre, a town centre plaza, and further public realm improvements, to regenerate the town. Building works for some of these projects have already begun with others due to start shortly.

Redditch Borough Council will now be required, as with the previous funding bids, to bring forward an investment plan that is focused on supporting cultural activity in the borough. A prerequisite of the scheme is consultation, engagement, and collaboration with local stakeholders, before submitting the investment plan.

Further guidance is expected from National Government in April.

In response to the news about the funding, Leader of the Council, Councillor Matt Dormer, said: “For Redditch, the news of being ringfenced for an extra £5 million from the Government's Levelling Up Fund to boost our leisure and culture scene is huge! It's another momentous game-changer for our town.

“With £15 million of Town Deal funding already secured for projects like the digital, manufacturing and Innovation Centre, a buzzing town centre plaza and public realm works around Church Green West and Unicorn Hill, Redditch's future is looking bright, and this additional £5m funding means it doesn’t have to stop there.

“Under our leadership, this administration has secured and invested more funds in Redditch than we’ve seen for years before. In fact, it's the most significant investment we’ve seen in 60 years since Redditch became a new town. On top of this we've worked tirelessly to elevate Redditch's status as a great place to live, work, and visit. Gone are the days of being dubbed the 'second most miserable town' – we're building a sense of pride and community beyond the physical developments.

"Redditch has gained national recognition in the chancellor's budget, showing the government's confidence in our town's potential to thrive and we want it to do just that. We’ve worked hard to think big and spend wisely and we're now witnessing tangible results.

“This Levelling Up money is fantastic news for our town’s well-established and dedicated leisure and culture community, who we will work closely with to ensure that every penny of this funding is used effectively, maximises impact and goes where it is most needed. Before presenting any investment plan to the National Government, we'll be consulting with stakeholders whilst also ensuring our alignment with the constraints of the bidding process.

“We all have the power to redefine how our town is perceived and use this funding to build a legacy of prosperity for generations to come. We are unlocking a better future for Redditch. Let’s make it count!”

More information about the Levelling Up Funding in the Spring Budget is available here.

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