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Plans for Innovation Centre Enhanced

The Digital Manufacturing and Innovation Centre (DMIC) is set to be even bigger and better than before thanks to the approval of a reallocation of funding.

Redditch Borough Council submitted a ‘Project Adjustment Request’ in February 2025. Requesting to use an underspend of £4.2 million from the library site redevelopment project to create an expanded version of the DMIC. The Council have now been informed that this request has been granted.

The Innovation Centre, which will be on the site of the former Police station, is part of a wider series of projects which make up the Town Investment Plan. The plan received an historic £15.6 million investment from the UK Government’s Town Deal funding in June 2021.

The request to government also included a small proportion of the £4.2 million library funding being reallocated to the Public Realm project, which has also been approved.

The new building will provide flexible office and workspaces for start-up and existing businesses alongside on-site business support to stimulate growth and innovation.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Joe Baker, said: “Redditch has a long history of being at the forefront of manufacturing greatness. The development of a Digital Manufacturing and Innovation Centre will continue to allow the businesses of Redditch to excel; benefitting from the highly specialist opportunities that having a facility like this in the centre of the town creates.”

The centre aims to increase innovation within the Redditch economy and encourage productivity growth particularly within the manufacturing sector.

Innovation Centres are high-quality buildings which provide open access and specialist support to entrepreneurs and companies in the local community. They provide a range of services to businesses to facilitate development and growth and drive innovation.

Cllr. Baker added: “Yet again this is something we have managed to do even though we were told it could not be done. A massive thanks goes to the officers who have put our case forward and Chris Bloore MP for his support. Projects like this create fresh opportunities for the residents of Redditch and business to thrive."

The increased funding for the centre will facilitate an increased number of economic and business support benefits, whilst also being used to make the building more sustainable.

The next stage is to finalise the outline designs for the improved facilities before moving on to full detailed designs.

For more information about this project and the wider regeneration scheme, please visit

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