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Planning meeting expected to be busy

Seating capacity has been increased and a live stream is in place as part of special arrangements for Redditch Borough Council’s Planning Committee meeting.

On Wednesday November 23 the committee will consider an application for the erection of 236 homes with open space, landscaping, drainage, infrastructure and other associated works on land off Far Moor Lane.

It is anticipated that the cross-boundary application with Stratford-on-Avon will attract a lot of attention and public speaking arrangements have been extended over and above the normal limits.

While extra seating will be put in place for the meeting at the Town Hall, it is still limited to 70 seats so people, including speakers, are asked to use the livestream service where possible.

Chair of the Planning Committee, Cllr Mike Chalk, said: “We want to make all of our meetings accessible to everyone and the use of technology helps us to do this particularly when we expect a high turnout.”

The meeting will start at 7pm.

On the night the Town Hall car park will not be available to the public, although any registered speakers who need disabled parking can contact Democratic Services to reserve a space at

Anyone wishing to speak at the meeting must notify the council of their intention to do so by 12 noon on Monday November 21, by emailing Democratic Services at or calling 01527 64252 ext. 3304.

The link to the live stream is

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