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Pensioners Urged To Apply For Funds

Redditch pensioners, are being urged to apply for funds which will help with life’s essentials from food to fuels bills.

The Council needs residents, aged 66 and over, to apply for the Government’s Household Support Fund (HSF), which has been ringfenced for them, before it is no longer available at the end of September.

Funds can help eligible residents with the cost of essentials like fixing & replacing broken boilers and repaying energy debts before winter, and even covering food bills.

Friends and family of older residents are also being urged to let them know about this funding and to encourage them to apply.

Head of Community Services Judith Willis said: “Each application takes a number of weeks to process so they need to apply ASAP to see if they are eligible.

“This is not a benefits scheme and must be applied for and I am sure with the rise of the cost of living, every penny counts and you may receive unexpected support to cover eligible costs.”

To apply visit or call 0800 988 2881 for help with energy bills or 0808 2787890 for other costs

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