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New Mayor elected at council AGM

Cllr Salman Akbar was elected Mayor of Redditch at last night’s (May 22) annual meeting of Redditch Borough Council.

Cllr Akbar said: “I am humbled to have been elected the Mayor of Redditch. It is a great privilege to be the first ever British Pakistani Muslim Mayor of Redditch.

“I would like to thank my family, friends, and colleagues for their continued support. I would also like to thank former Mayor of Redditch, Ann Isherwood, for her service to Redditch, and congratulate Cllr Karen Ashley on her election as Deputy Mayor.

“I look forward to working with different communities and groups within Redditch and promoting community integration.”

Cllr Akbar will choose civic charities shortly, while the outgoing Mayor, Ann Isherwood, raised £13,375 during her term of office for her chosen charity Touchstones.

The meeting also confirmed the council’s Executive Committee as follows:

  • Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Planning, Economic Development, Commercialism and Partnerships, Cllr Matt Dormer.
  • Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, Cllr Gemma Monaco.
  • Portfolio Holder for Finance and Enabling, Cllr Luke Court.
  • Portfolio Holder for Community Services and Regulatory Services, Cllr Lucy Harrison.
  • Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, Cllr Brandon Clayton.
  • Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Cllr Joanne Beecham.
  • Portfolio Holder for Housing and Procurement, Cllr Craig Warhurst.
  • Executive members without portfolio, Cllr Joe Baker and Cllr Bill Hartnett.

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