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‘Miserable’ monicker prompts campaign

Thousands of Redditch residents enjoying this year’s Christmas Lights switch-on has prompted a new campaign in the town.

Last year Redditch was given the accolade as the ‘second most miserable place to live’ in data revealed by the Office for National Statistics.

It’s a monicker that has been both fiercely challenged and adopted with pride in the town but after it featured again in coverage of Redditch's festive events, Redditch Borough Council has responded.

#MiserableRedditch seeks to turn the table on the negativity aimed at the town that even prompted comment from Peter Andre, guest star at the town’s recent lights switch-on. The Mysterious Girl singer used his social media to pour cold water on the label, following a warm welcome from residents.

Cllr Matt Dormer, Leader of the Council, said: “You hear these people claim we’re supposed to be the second most miserable town. But then we go out there and see all those thousands of people loving it at the lights switch on, welcoming Peter Andre, getting in the spirit, having fun in Redditch. And then wherever you look in Redditch people are pulling together and doing something good in the community. So we thought OK then, let’s show just how miserable we are.”

Residents, businesses and partners are urged to share photos and stories that show a different side of #MiserableRedditch.

Cllr Dormer continued: “Yes it’s a bit of fun but I am proud to live and work in this town. I know that most of our residents are far from miserable and this label around our necks is unfair. Of course we can have a bit of a moan. Who doesn’t! But our community spirit is second to none which was evident during Covid when we all pulled together to help each other, and the amount of people you get who come out in force to support events across the borough tells you everything.  

“We can show the rest of the country all the reasons why we are proud to live, work and visit Redditch.”

#MiserableRedditch kicks off depicting the crowds enjoying the event organised by Embrace Redditch which saw Peter Andre tweeting that Redditch people were ‘lovely, lovely, lovely’, followed by another post of jolly gingerbread people made by scores of youngsters who turned out to an event at Forge Mill.

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