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Lyndenwood latest to benefit from improvements scheme

More Redditch residents will benefit from improved facilities and layout as the council’s improvements scheme continues, this time in Webheath.

The bend in the road at Lyndenwood will be the latest location to be developed under Redditch Borough Council’s public realm improvements scheme which first began in 2009.

Residents from the close were consulted on the proposals and work will now be starting week commencing 12 February and will take approximately one week to complete.

This time, no garages will be demolished under the scheme and instead work will take place to redesign the layout of the area to make way for more car parking.

An old diseased tree was felled in the area in January, and this has now made space for five brand new standard parking spaces and two disabled spaces. Other landscaping works will also take place around the new parking area which will reduce the amount of litter and improve the safety and security of the area.

Councillor Brandon Clayton, whose portfolio covers Environmental Services, said: “We apologise for the disruption caused to residents whilst the work takes place. Whilst the removal of trees is usually an unpopular decision, in this instance it had become a hazard and a danger to passersby so was necessary. After consulting with residents, it was agreed that the implementation of the new parking area was the best option in terms of parking, landscaping, maintenance, and security.”

Lyndenwood is the latest location to benefit from the borough council’s ongoing programme to develop useful new parking spaces and other enhancements. Sites are prioritised according to their assessed need.

For more information on the works or on the garage demolition scheme, contact Matthew Mead on 01527 64252 3345 or email

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