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Leader’s Statement On Community House

Following the full Council meeting on Monday evening, the Leader Cllr Matt Dormer has now been briefed about Community House, and has issued the following statement:

“I am pleased to be given the chance to set the record straight, following the issues raised at the Council meeting, given that so much has been said on this subject via social media and in the press.

“These comments have been wrongly targeted at our officers who have worked very closely with the groups and organisations on this matter.

“We have communicated with all of our tenants affected by the changes at Community House however I do accept that there were gaps with some of the groups regarding timeliness and consistency.

“This is because many of these groups did not have a contract directly with the Council, and it was the responsibility of their landlord, Redditch Common Neighbourhood Trust (RCNT) who had sub-let the premises, to let them know.

“We recognise the important part all these groups play within our community and will continue to work with all tenants to make sure they are suitably housed and find alternative venues within the Borough which will meet their needs.”

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