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Have your say in this year’s Community Survey

Residents are invited to tell Redditch Borough Council what they think about local issues and borough council services, in this year’s official Community Survey.

The survey is an annual chance for residents to have their say on borough council issues, with the results going to council members and officers to help set priorities for the coming year.

The Leader of Redditch Borough Council Cllr Matt Dormer said: “The Community Survey is a key measure of how people in Redditch feel about various things across the borough each year, and the results help the council set its priorities. I would encourage everyone to take a moment to take part and ensure your views are included.”

The wide-ranging survey is open for responses until 5pm on Friday November 10, 2023, alongside the results of previous years’ surveys. Paper copies of it are available from the Town Hall.

For more information contact the council’s Engagement, Equalities and Policy team.

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