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Garage demolition scheme continues in Woodrow and Matchborough

More Redditch residents will benefit from improved facilities and layout as a further 24 garages are demolished across two areas.

Grendon Close, Matchborough is the latest location to be developed under Redditch Borough Council’s public realm improvements scheme and work will begin on Monday 31st January with the demolition of 20 garages.

Shortly after that, work will then take place to demolish a further 4 garages in Ombersley Close in Woodrow.

Removal of the garages will create more than 20, much needed and useable parking spaces across the two locations.

Following the demolition work, residents may see a fair amount of disruption as the garages are removed and the teams undertake a large amount of resurfacing of the area to develop the new parking spaces. Landscaping will also be improved with the aim of making the area safer and reducing the amount of litter.

Residents in the relevant areas were consulted on the proposals late last year and the council’s contractors Kelbec can now begin. Both schemes will take approximately one month to complete.

Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, Cllr Aled Evans, said: “We are very proud of the amazing work which has been done since the garage demolition project first began in 2009. This continued work is vital to ensure that parking in the borough is fit for purpose and modern day living. This work will help alleviate ongoing parking issues in each of the two areas. It will also improve the quality of the local environment, give an enhanced look and feel, as well as improving community safety and security.”

The council’s Public Realm Improvements Scheme is an ongoing programme to turn old garages, often used simply for storage as they are too small for most modern vehicles, into useful new parking spaces and other enhancements. Sites are prioritised according to their assessed need.

For more information on the works or on the garage demolition scheme, contact Matthew Mead on 01527 64252 3345 or email title="Email">

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