Free family fun at Green Fair and Lions’ Fun day
The popular combined event, Green Fair and Lions Fun Day, is back this July!
Redditch Borough Council’s annual Green Fair, in partnership with The Redditch Lions Club, returns to the town at its usual summertime slot this year on Sunday July 17, and promises to feature free, family-friendly stalls, entertainment and displays for everyone to enjoy.
Throughout the day, there will be a range of demonstrations, including circus skills with Steve Kaos and a variety of other fun activities. Visitors will also get to see “Sparky” the Robot who is made from recycled materials. On top of this, crowds will be entertained – and exercised – by this year’s special feature, live music from a pedal powered stage!
Tom Evans from Reaction Bike Power said: “Come along and get some exercise by powering our bands and learning about the value of a Watt at the same time. All the power for the music is provided by the audience cycling on stationary bikes. It’s really something really special. You'll be surprised how well it works; you might even wonder why all events don’t do this!”
West Mercia Police alongside the 37th Signal Regiment and Hereford and Worcester Fire Service, will be bringing their information stands, radios, and fun games for children.
There will also be a display of fabulous Classic Cars and Royal Enfield Motorbikes. This year’s green theme also includes a display of new cars (including electric) as well as craft stalls, eco-friendly businesses, information, demonstrations and more.
Any visitors who are interested in being greener and reducing their impact on the environment can also get information from the council’s new Energy Advice Service Provider Act on Energy who will have a stall at the event.
The event will run from 11am – 4pm at Arrow Valley Countryside Park. There is free entry and parking on site.
Mike Andrews from Redditch Lions Club said: “We are pleased to work with the council to organise a day filled with fun for the people of Redditch. We have stalls and entertainment for the whole family. We welcome the classic car and motorcycles owners and their shiny vehicles and thank the local garages for their support.”
Portfolio Holder for Leisure Services, Cllr Jo Beecham, said: “Whilst last year’s event was great, we were still being very cautious because of the pandemic and the rules still in place. This year we are well and truly back with a bang! There is SO much happening, and on top of the usual fun stuff, the Green Fair is getting back to its roots with lots of eco-friendly fun and entertainment on offer too. How incredible to have a robot made from recyclables and a bike-powered stage!”
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