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Do your bit to drive down doorstep crime

Residents are being called upon to support elderly and vulnerable friends, family, and neighbours after reports of cold calling and possible scams in the area.

A scheme to deter cold callers and rogue traders is in place across the borough and the council’s Community Safety Team are urging more residents to sign up and work with their neighbours to ward off doorstep criminals.

After receiving a number of reports from areas with known vulnerable or elderly residents, the council are encouraging more people to be part of the Nominated Neighbour scheme which deters scam callers, who will not want to have their identity to be checked.

Nominated Neighbour uses bright yellow window stickers to show potential house callers that they will only be seen if accompanied by a known and trusted person after their identity has been verified by that other person.

All it takes is a neighbour, family friend or family member to agree to be nominated and have callers directed to them.

Leader of Redditch Borough Council, Cllr Matt Dormer, said: “By harnessing a partnership of police, council, and neighbourly support, this scheme is effective help for residents concerned about doorstep crime – the proof is in the feedback.

“I’d also like to remind residents that our council officers will always carry official ID and will be happy to wait if you want to check it by calling the council on our main switch board number 01527 64252. Always be wary of anyone pretending to be us, offering to do work on our behalf which you can ‘claim back’ or who is unwilling to let you double check their identity.”

When assessing the success of the scheme, every member asked, reported significantly fewer cold callers or, in the majority of cases, a complete stop. Several also reported that they had seen people walk up to their door, see the sign, and walk off.

Here is what some scheme members have said:
“I’ve had no cold callers since. Prior to this I was constantly harassed by people at the door, making me feel vulnerable.”
“I’ve had people see the sticker and go away. I definitely feel safer.”
“The salespeople have stopped.”
Cllr Nyear Nazir, Redditch Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Community Services and Regulatory Services, said: “Unfortunately, doorstep crime is a problem that never goes away; even during the pandemic rogue traders and doorstep callers tried their luck! We can help our neighbours to deter and reduce it though and it’s up to us as a community to help those more at risk of being subjected to these appalling crimes. If you think the scheme could be right for you or someone you know, please get in touch. It’s free, and our Community Safety team can offer guidance and support.”
The scheme is free and is delivered to homes by the North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership.

In addition to the window sticker, a pack containing useful information on keeping safe is also provided.

Further details about the scheme are available here, alternatively contact our Community Safety team.

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