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Crematorium supports bereaved children charity

A charity that supports bereaved young people has received a £15,000 donation from recycling efforts at Redditch Crematorium.

Touchstones, which supports bereaved young people in North East Worcestershire, received the money from Redditch Borough Council’s crematorium where families may permit any metal left behind after their loved ones are cremated, such as jewellery or metal hips and limbs, to be recycled under a nationally recognised scheme.

Touchstones’ Bereavement Support Director Vicki Quarton said: “We are so grateful for this wonderful donation, which will go such a long way in ensuring our work of supporting local children and young people who are struggling with the loss of a mum, dad, sister, brother, grandparent or other significant person, can continue. We want to say a massive thank you to the bereaved families that provide permission, the crematorium, Redditch Borough Council, and to the amazing children and families across our local communities, that we are so privileged to be able to come alongside and to support.”

Redditch Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services Cllr Aled Evans said: “We’re humbled to be able to help Touchstones with this donation, which we pass on today thanks to the selflessness of others. Even throughout the worst of the pandemic Touchstones continued to provide vital support to our local children and young people, and we thank them for it. The money raised from this recycling scheme will make a difference to people’s lives.”

Leader of the Council Cllr Matt Dormer said: “The recycling scheme at Redditch Crematorium brings real benefits to the community. Our thanks go out to everyone involved.”

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