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What is Overview and Scrutiny?

At Redditch Borough Council, we have the Executive Committee (rather like Central Government's Cabinet) and one Overview and Scrutiny Committee (like Central Government's Select Committees). There is also a separate Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Panel. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee acts as a commissioning body and has the power to authorise policy reviews and to scrutinise issues of local interest.

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee has the option to break off into smaller groups of Councillors, which are known as Task Groups, and can assign them specific review subjects. A Task Group will generally dissolve at the end of its review.

The Overview and Scrutiny process draws on evidence from Executive Members, Council Officers and also sources outside the Council. In order for Overview and Scrutiny to be a success, the Council cannot work in isolation and so it calls on the expertise and knowledge of local people, service partners and community groups to ensure the Council delivers effective services.

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