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Redditch Local Plan Update

Redditch Local Plan Update – Consultation Autumn /Winter 2024

The review of the Redditch Local plan has commenced with elements of the evidence base being assembled. The Council is now beginning to prepare for the first stages of consultation on the future plan for Redditch Borough.

The first consultation on the review of the Redditch Local Plan is envisaged for Autumn / Winter 2024

The Council will be progressing the plan review under reforms included in the Levelling up and Regeneration Act. Once the Council had further information on how these reforms are to be enacted a more detailed timetable will be produced. This timetable will clearly set out all the stages of plan making up to the adoption of the plan.

Please check back regularly here for more updates, we would ask kindly that you do not contact the Council requesting further updates - updates will only be provided via this website and emails sent to those registered on our database. This ensures all stakeholders receive the same information at the same time.

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