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Housing Tenancy and Leaseholder Management (Landlord) Services

Redditch Borough Council collects personal information about you in their capacity as your Landlord, in order to manage your tenancy and/or lease for the delivery of Landlord services and for the recording of data for Government research and statistical purposes.

The legal basis for this processing is the fulfilment of a contract and public task; by signing for a tenancy or lease you are entering into a contract, and we require the personal data requested to fulfil this contract for the management and sustainment of the tenancy during the contract period as well as for assessing housing needs, in accordance with the following legislation:

  • Housing Act 1985
  • Housing Act 1996 Part VI and Part VII as amended
  • The Landlord and Tenant Act 1985
  • Crime and Disorder Act 1988
  • Adult Care Act 2014
  • Children Act 2004
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015
  • The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime & Policing Act 2014

Medical information is classed as ‘special category’ data, and is processed in accordance with Article 9(2)(h), health & social care purposes; criminal record is also classed as special category data, and is processed in accordance with Article 10, ‘processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences’. Protective characteristics are classed as special category data and are processed under Article 9(2(g), reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law). In the case of the anti-social behaviour (ASB), this will be for preventing or detecting unlawful acts.

The data collected is:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Family circumstances
  • Evidence of residency, I.e., birth certificate, etc (N/A under leasehold)
  • Contact details
  • Medical information (N/A under leasehold)
  • Financial information (N/A under leasehold)
  • Images (photo ID) (N/A under leasehold)
  • Supporting information for priority housing (N/A under leasehold)
  • Current circumstances (N/A under leasehold)
  • Special needs
  • Disability
  • Criminal record
  • Benefit entitlement (N/A under leasehold)
  • Employment (N/A under leasehold)
  • Next of kin details / emergency contact
  • Social worker / support details (N/A under leasehold)
  • Supporting information for tenancy conditions (N/A under leasehold)
  • Death certificates / Public Trustee documents (N/A under leasehold)
  • Supporting information for housing needs assessment (N/A under leasehold)
  • Debt relief orders / bankruptcy orders. (N/A under leasehold)
  • Marriage certificates (N/A under leasehold)
  • Decree Nisi (N/A under leasehold)
  • Name change
  • Provision of food bank vouchers (N/A under leasehold)
  • Safeguarding or any health and safety issues identified.
  • CCTV images (in some areas)
  • Kinship/Guardian Ship documents (N/A under leasehold)
  • Ethnicity
  • Nationality
  • Serving in the armed forces (N/A under leasehold)
  • Protective characteristics
  • Images and sound recordings demonstrating anti-social behaviour
  • Vehicle Information

We also have a legal obligation to consult with you about any significant changes to the Housing Service. If you provide us with feedback, we will collate and store that data to provide an audit of what our tenants have told us. This information will be held to comply with any current regulations at the time.

When you enter into the contract, you can opt to consent to us processing your personal information for other specified purposes such as:

Signposting to other agencies (eg Fire service)

Customer Satisfaction Survey regarding the development of the service and the services provided.

Where you agree to be contacted, the data will be kept until it is either overwritten or until you no longer agree to be kept informed. If you chose not to consent to additional processing, this will not affect your rights. Details of all your other rights can be found here.

This information will be accessible by Housing Landlord services, Contractors for Repairs & Maintenance and shared with UK Government departments and agencies for commissioning of services, for the collection of statistical data (CORE), and the Money Advice Service and the Council’s Financial Inclusion Team (FIT) for financial help and support, Allpay for rent payments, other/former housing providers for references/right to buy purposes, food banks for the provision of the food parcels as appropriate and utility companies for setting up new accounts and outstanding debt. We will view and use data you load onto the ASB App to allow us to assess and manage reports of ASB and nuisance. In some circumstances this information will be shared with partner agencies (Police and Fire Services for example) and in the case of using the data to pursue a legal case with our solicitors and the Courts. Once this data is presented in Court it will become a matter of public record.


Personal information/data will be kept for the following periods:


Retention Period

Tenancy information

For the life time of the tenancy plus 6 years

Mutual exchanges

For the period the tenant is registered or until an exchange has been completed

Property Adaptations

For the period waiting for the adaptation until completed

Disabled parking spaces

For the period of waiting for the space until the space is no longer required


For the period of 30 days unless the images form part of an ongoing investigation

Garage applications and tenancies

For the period of the tenancy / debt outstanding following the end of the tenancy


Information you put onto the ASB App will be held for 90 days if we are not going to pursue a legal case. It will then be automatically deleted. If we are pursuing a legal case the information will be downloaded to form part of a court bundle and will be passed to our solicitors and the Courts for use and storage by them in line with all current guidelines


This information will not be shared/sold to any other service/organisation unless we have a duty to do so under law. This data will not be transferred outside of the UK.

No decisions around this data are made by automated means.  


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