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Democratic Processes

The Council collect information relating to members of the public, relevant Officers of Redditch Borough and Bromsgrove District Council, Consultants and Councillors for the purpose of the administration of meetings of its Boards, Sub-Boards, Committees and full Council meetings. 

The legal basis for this processing is ‘Public Task’ and ‘Legal Obligation’, in accordance with the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, Localism Act 2011, the Local Government Act 2000 and the Council’s Procedural Rules.

By virtue of some of the topics brought, some special category data may be processed under Article 9(2)(g), ‘Public interest underpinned by law’.

The data collected is:

  • Name
  • Contact details
  • Details of councillors financial / non-financial business interests, company directorships and trusteeships of immediate family
  • Signatures in the case of petitions
  • DVLA information and Disclosure and Barring Services Enhanced Disclosure Certificate information

In some cases, the data is not collected directly from the data subject, but by a representative.

The majority of the information is transacted in public and published online.  If you ask a question, or participate in a discussion, some information about you will be included in this record.  We publish a record of all Council decisions and meetings, as well as any background information and reports that inform discussion.

Copies of Member Appeals Panel Agenda packs, the decision notice recording the outcome and any minutes will be kept for 6 years. 

Councillors Register of interest forms are kept for the term of office.  All other information relating to a Councillor will be retained for one month thereon after.

  • Agendas, Minutes and details of decisions
  • Register of Members' Expenses
  • Members' Expenses Claims

Are kept indefinitely in accordance with the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.

Background papers to reports are kept for current year + 4 years, representation on outside bodies are kept for term of office + 5 years and independent remuneration panel details are kept for 6 years from end of the year.

This information will not be shared/sold to any other service/organisation unless we have a duty to do so under law. 

No decisions around decisions around this data are made by automated means.  

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