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Business Rates

Why we need your information and how we use it

We process your personal information for the purposes of collection and enforcement of Non-Domestic Rates for Bromsgrove District Council and Redditch Borough Council.

We have a legal obligation provided by the Local Government Finance Act 1988; subsequent amending acts, and supporting statutory instruments, to administer and enforce payment of Non-Domestic Rates.

How long will we keep your information for?

Your information is retained in accordance with the Council’s retention and disposal schedule.  We will not keep your information for longer than is necessary and in most cases this means we will remove data when the valuation list for that year is no longer maintained.

Who your information may be shared with?

Information may be shared with other departments within the council who have a legal basis for accessing the information.  For example the Regulation 6 of the Council Tax (administration and enforcement) regulations 1992 allows the use of any information obtained by the authority to carry out functions relating to the collection and enforcement of Council Tax.

By law we must give out some information if we are asked to – for example information relating to the payment of interest on overpayments of Non-Domestic Rates must be provided to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.

We will also share information with the National Fraud Initiative for the purposes of preventing or detecting fraud.  This information will be provided to the cabinet office and cross matched with information provided by other authorities.

We will also use the information for the purposes of performing any of statutory enforcement duties.  We will make any disclosures required by law and may also share information with other bodies responsible for detecting and preventing fraud or auditing and administering public funds.

How we process your information

Information provided using our on-line forms may be subject to automated processing.  The information you provide is not transferred overseas.


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