The Redditch Community Lottery
The Redditch Community Lottery is your chance to win up to £25,000 while raising funds for your choice of local good causes. It’s winning for all.
Half the price & raising twice as much
Tickets cost just £1 each, half the price of the National Lottery, and deliver an exceptional 60% back to local good causes, in comparison to just 28% contributed by the National Lottery.
How will it work?
- Buy a ticket for £1
- Choose good causes to get 50p
- 10p goes to the Redditch Community Fund
- 40p pays for prizes and running costs
- Pick 6 numbers
- Good luck!
The good causes
You can select your good cause when you buy your tickets. Community voluntary sector groups or organisations are able to apply to register as good causes, and it is free to apply. Good causes can range from animal charities to disability groups, health charities, local scout groups and many more things that make important contributions to our thriving and diverse community. Here are the the eligibility criteria that must be met. To apply to be a good cause and benefit from the Redditch Community Lottery, or for more details, please contact us on the details below.
The Redditch Community Fund
Administered by Redditch Borough Council, this money will go to voluntary and community organisations in Redditch, complementing the council's existing support for that sector.

Redditch Community Lottery is promoted by Redditch Borough Council, a Local Authority Lottery licensed by the Gambling Commission
Gambling Commission Account No: 55455
To buy tickets and find out more just visit the Redditch Community Lottery's dedicated website here.
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