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Redditch Outdoor Market

Redditch Outdoor Market is located within the heart of the town centre on Alcester Street Redditch.

Adjacent to the Library and Jon Bonham Statue the Outdoor Market will offer a brand new mix of vibrant gazebos and mobile pitches home to a diverse range of traders.

View the proposed layout of the Outdoor Market here! (Subject to Change)

Trading Days

Redditch Outdoor Market will trade two days a week on a Thursday and Saturday from 9am-4pm.

Are you looking to join the market?

You've found the perfect opportunity, many traders rent a stall permanently or you can rent a stall at this market for just a day.

What should you do next?

The market, due to open this Spring, is now inviting traders to apply for a regular pitch on any of the trading days or both!

Trader Fees, Balance of Trade Policy, and application forms can be found below.

Initially, pitches will be allocated considering the following criteria:

  • Completed application form and associated documents i.e. insurance, hygiene certificate etc.
  • Market experience
  • Photos of goods to be sold and previous market stall set up

The criteria above will allow the balance of trade policy to be realised.

Once a completed application form has been received this will be assessed by the Market Manager and if successful a Market traders information pack and trading agreement will be sent out.

Trader incentive scheme

This will be 50% off the casual rate for first four continuous weeks.

Completed applications along with all the required documentation can be posted to us at the following address - 

Redditch Market
Redditch Borough Council
Town Hall
Alcester Street
B98 8AH

Alternatively, you can also email

Market Traders Pack (Subject to change, documents still to be added)

Balance Of Trade Policy

Document Checklist

Fees And Charges 2025

Food Trader Application Form

Market Regulations

Market Trader Information

New Trader Scheme

Non-Food Trader Application Form

Property Damage Policy

Severe Weather Policy

Trading Agreement

Redditch Market Logo
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