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We list all our contract opportunities on our electronic tendering portal provided by Due North Sourcing Solutions.

On the portal you can:

  • View all our advertised tender opportunities
  • Register for free
  • Express interest in relevant tender events
  • Submit tender responses electronically.

Registering on the portal is not a guarantee of business but if you are registered we can let you know about relevant opportunities as they arise.

Access the e-tendering portal

How we award contracts

We will generally award contracts to the supplier who will provide best overall value, whilst meeting our requirements and standards. During the procurement process we aim to be fair and transparent in the awarding of contracts and whilst wishing to encourage local suppliers to compete for contracts we cannot discriminate in their favour.

Having received quotations or formal tenders we will evaluate and compare them against specific criteria notified in the contract opportunity. For all purchases over £50,000 we will have determined a set of evaluation criteria before requesting the quotations or tenders and these criteria will have been made available to suppliers.

Clearly, price will always be a factor but other aspects will also be taken into consideration. These may include, but are not restricted to the following:

  1. Quality
  2. Delivery date
  3. Running costs
  4. Cost-effectiveness
  5. Aesthetic and functional characteristics
  6. Technical merit
  7. After-sales service
  8. Technical assistance.

Following the evaluation and comparison of responses we may award a contract to a selected supplier, but we also reserve the right to terminate the process at any time.

Having selected a supplier we will notify unsuccessful tenders.

In addition, for all contracts which exceed the EU thresholds we will impose the statutory 16 Working Day 'standstill period' which will allow unsuccessful tenderers 10 days (minimum) in which to appeal prior to the award of the contract.

Contract Procedure Rules

Contract Procedure Rules exist to ensure that the Council lets contracts in a fair, consistent, honest, legal and transparent manner. There is a statutory basis for the rules which promote good purchasing practice and public accountability.  Following the rules is also the best defence against potential allegations that a purchase has been made incorrectly or fraudulently.

Here are our Contract Procedure Rules, which include our procurement thresholds.

Procurement Pipeline

The Council’s Procurement Pipeline includes details of contracts expected to be reprocured and new procurement projects expected to be undertaken within the next 12 Months. The pipeline will be refreshed quarterly.

Please note:

  • Published dates may be subject to change and information is indicative only.
  • For all opportunities, you will need to register on the council's tendering website portal Supplier registration (
  • Information published on the Procurement pipeline list is for planning purposes only and does not create any commitment to undertake all or any of the activities listed.

Register for event news

If you want to be notified of future events, contact us here to register.

Find local events

Find local events at Worcestershire Business Central.

Terms and Conditions

Redditch Borough Council Standard Terms and Conditions for the supply of Goods and Services

Redditch Borough Council and Bromsgrove District Council Combined Standard Terms and Conditions for the supply of Goods and Services

Commonly used Framework Providers

Other sector specific frameworks are available

Our Thresholds

Total value Award procedure
£0- £3,000

There must be evidence of competitive enquiries being undertaken with details of final selection criteria recorded and retained for one year from date of purchase (this can be in electronic form e.g. email)

£3,001 - £25,000 At least 3 written quotations
£25,001- £50,000 Invitation to quote by advertisement
£50,001 – Above threshold -
Above threshold Find a Tender procedure or where this does not apply, invitation to tender by advertisement


Procurement Act 2023

The rules surrounding procurement (purchasing of works, goods and services) for the public sector are changing soon.

You can find summarised information on the transforming public procurement webpage on GOV.UK.

The current procurement regulations will be changing, and a new set will replace them from February 2025. The new regulations will be known as the Procurement Act 2023.

The Procurement Act 2023 is designed to create a more open, flexible, and innovative procurement environment.

You can read about more about the benefits here: The Procurement Bill - Benefits for Prospective Suppliers to the Public Sector

Under the new regulations there will be a new central digital platform that all public sector bodies will use to publish details of new procurement opportunities.   Suppliers will need to ensure they have registered their organisation details on the platform to enable them to be considered for tenders’ opportunities.

The free central digital platform will be an enhancement of the existing Find a Tender service and will make it easier to find and bid for contracts, and for buyers to meet their transparency commitments under the Act.

You can read more about the platform here: Central Digital Platform – Factsheet

The Cabinet Office have created a number of helpful short guides.

You can also watch some short videos and animations that help explain the new act. These include videos for suppliers, and suppliers classed as SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) and VCSEs (voluntary and community sector enterprises).

There are also a series of helpful Knowledge Dropsthat provide a high-level overview of the changes to the regulations and cover areas including:

  • The new central digital platform
  • Early market engagement
  • Prompt supplier payment
  • Changes to procurement procedures
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